Gang-Related Offenses
Get The Right Firm On Your Side
If you have been arrested and charged with a gang related offense, it is critical that you call The Balaguera Law Firm at once. Being charged with a gang related offense is a scary and serious situation. Gang related crimes includes all types of violent crimes such as robbery, racketeering, burglary, aggravated battery, aggravated assault, homicide, murder, and numerous other offenses. The gang association could be a connection that you made from school, work, your neighborhood or even people that you barely or don't even know. Regardless of the connection you may have with the other defendants in the case, the government may unlawfully obtain damaging evidence from your home or person. The police may have violated your rights when collecting evidence or statements. Furthermore, the government may build a case against you based on a confidential informant who has a lot to gain by labeling you as a "Gang Member".
The Balaguera Law Firm, P.A. will make sure every available defense is looked into and is considered. We are known for our aggressive, persistent, creative, and comprehensive approach to defending our client's cases. The Balaguera Law Firm, P.A. also strives to provide excellent service to its clients. The Balaguera Law Firm, P.A. firm understands that its clients are worried about their cases and have many questions. As we learned in grade school, no question is a stupid question. We understand that our clients face an enormous amount of pressure and are worried about their futures.